Day 2 of 90 DaysofDevOps

Hello, I'm writing this blog for those who want to learn DevOps along with me let's start this journey from Scratch first we will learn from Linux. so the Question arises in your mind

what is Linux??

Linux is an operating system just like Windows OS.

Okay, now you know what is Linux but why do we use Linux over any other OS?

The reason to use Linux OS over any other OS is :

  • It is Open-source (so we save licensing costs here)

  • Security

  • Lightweight

  • Flexibility

  • Performance

  • Community Support

Okay, now I think you understand the advantages of Linux. now we will see some basic commands of Linux.

  1. pwd (cheks present directory

  2. ls -a (List all the files or directories including hidden files.)

  3. mkdir -pA/B/C/D/E (Create a nested directory A/B/C/D/E)

  4. rmdir ( it deletes directory)

  5. cd (it changes the current directory. )

  6. touch (It creates an empty file)

  7. rm (removes file)

  8. cp (copies file or directory)

  9. mv (moves a file or directory from one location to another.)

  10. su (provides administrative access to another user

Thank you for Reading